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Bandcamp Reviews
  • Dominique Skoltz and Herman W. Kolgen hail from Montreal and are both musicians and visual artists. Their work is usually a cross-over between sound into image and image into sound. For this, their debut full length CD, they are “transposing certain optical attributes of the photographs onto audio sources and assembling them in multiple layers, the results are a micro-system of isomorphic tones” – that is certainly a mouthful. There is one long piece of music, which certainly in the opening part (say the first fifteen minutes) result in quite some feedback like sounds, and cover a harsher territory then we are usually common from the world of 12K/Line. After that the sound sinks for a while below the audible range. Later on the balance between the high end and the low end is restored and even a sense of rhythm may occur. It’s hard to tell what the pair uses soundwise or what their input might – field recordings, just laptop doodlings? – I think it’s mainly just the latter. This CD covers many territories where others were before, and in that respect there might not be too much new things going on. But as a whole and by itself it is quite a decent CD. Austere sounds from an interesting concept.
    (Vital Weekly, NL)

  • Or in my own words, Montreal’s Dominique [T] Skoltz and Herman W. Kolgen make unusual music together, through unusual processes… an evolutionary duet of spacious abstractions.The single piece (56:38) opens on thinly wavering tonedrones of a keening feedback-ish nature… levitating highs and lows occasionally stutter and pulse as they cross a vast expanse, evoking an appealingly forlorn sense. A slowly evolving rise/fall extends through unspecific space, whatever you want to imagine it to be really.A rumble-and-squeal (though subtle in each flavor) vista arises then fades into a multilevel series of shimmery warbles and skewed currents of blurry almost-music. Around the half-hour mark, sizzling particles seep into the flow, fading away soon thereafter to later return in an insectile buzz against thin twirls of radiance (and then again as gritty interference).In its final moments, the vapors throb in gleaming metallic wisps before slipping back into the deep unknown from whence they came… Glacially evolving enigmascapes wend their ways through Hyalin, simply hovering over (and forming) cool isolationist territories. Regardless of of how this piece was created (an interesting naturalistic exploration though it is), Skoltz and Kolgen discover much with this minimalistic sonic experience… B+
    (Ambientrance, US)