LINE presents lupe luep peul epul, the latest release from sound/installation artist Miki Yui. Yui was born in Tokyo, Japan and currently resides in Cologne, Germany, presenting her work in galleries, on CD, and as soundtracks to theatre/dance performance and film productions. Her work has been previously featured on 12k’s untitled compilation (12k1008) in 2000 as well as on 12k/LINE compilation Between Two Points (12k1000/LINE_004).
lupe luep peul epul is an extension of her well received 1999 release small sounds (BMB Lab, Cologne) taking sounds recorded in various spaces, often sampler processed natural/acoustically based, and woven them into intricate multi-layered compositions. These acoustic fragments are meant to fill in the sonic environmental gaps and create a new space that implies a layer of memories. Yui’s sounds mirror memory loops – bits and pieces of past sights, visions, feelings, echoed in warm sine tones, clicks, grit, and vibrating timbres – recalled and then merged into the environment to return as new memories that let the listener sink into the moment of listening, creating a loop. This work is a loop for listening to our environment. It is designed to be played back in loop/random mode and at a quiet, transparent level.